Energy & Resources

Haidermota & Co. is particularly known for advising on projects in the energy and natural resources sector. The Firm has extensive expertise in advising on a spectrum of generation technologies, including wind, biomass, bagasse, hydel, waste, coal, gas, RLNG, and residual fuels.

The Firm is also advising on first-of-their-kind transmission and off-grid solutions, reflecting the latest developments in the energy sector in Pakistan.

In the infrastructure sphere, the Firm has led the development of several landmark public-private-partnership transactions in water treatments, supply and distribution and mass transit systems. The Firm’s expertise in these sectors has led to the Firm’s views being sought after in the course of sector reforms, legislative drafting and formulation of sectoral laws.

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From complex transactions to regulatory issues and litigation, our highly professional team of lawyers is equipped with knowledge across multiple legal disciplines to provide a comprehensive perspective for sophisticated matters.